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  • Writer's pictureScarlett Huxley

Fallen By Lauren Kate - Why Was This Made Into A Movie? Hell If I Know.

This book was a mess .... let me explain.

Blurb: "What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours?

17-year-old Lucinda falls in love with a gorgeous, intelligent boy, Daniel, at her new school, the grim, foreboding Sword & Cross . . . only to find out that Daniel is a fallen angel, and that they have spent lifetimes finding and losing one another as good & evil forces plot to keep them apart.

Get ready to fall . . . "

Okay, so straight off the bat - this blurb sucks. Like, it's way to short and gives no indication about what this book is even about. The only information it does give away is just the WHOLE PLOT TWIST.

This book was a wild ride of absolutely nothing happening. And I know! This came out forever ago and the whole 'paranormal' thing is really old - a dead genre in every sense - but I thought I would just give it ago. And look, I never finished Twilight, but Fallen was so much like it that I was just . . . shocked. It wasn't that it was bad writing per-say, it's just the small little fact that the characters were the most uninteresting people (or should I say angels?) ever, and the storyline was just that boring that I fell asleep with the book on my face at 10 pm after only reaching the 2 second chapter.

I have so many questions because things were never explained! Like why did the main character (honestly can't remember her name she was that bad) stalk the love interest and snoop around in his private files! There's a thought - just ask him? *rolls eyes*. Why are these two people in love in the first place? Why is the love interest cursed? What is it about the main character that makes the love interest actually want her? Even a friend of the main character said, to her face, that she was boring. Within the book. You know you're characters bad when even their friends think they suck. I also hate the climax of the book. Like, I skipped most of it because the fight scene seemed to go on forever. But seriously, *spoilers ahead* the death the main character's best friend - Pen or whatever her name was - was soo anticlimactic, it pained me. She was the only person I actually liked in the book. And even she was bland and not an angel (aka human). Final words: save yourself the trouble and just don't.

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