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about me.

student ✰ writer ✰ bibliophile 

I think being a full-time student and writer can be tough - actually, it's between classes is where I get most of my writing done. But now, with this website, weekly instalments of my book, my blog, and my bookstagram all underway - I barely have time for study ;)


But I've always loved books - ever since I was in primary school. Ironic, since for the longest time, I couldn't even read - having to have reading tutors until the age of 12. But nowadays, I find myself constantly running late for school because I've been rolling around in bed with a book in my hand. But even though I'm only at the ripe age of 15, I still believe that my goal in life is to help those around me see the beauty of reading and the passion that goes into writing a novel. 


Being a Syndey native, growing up in multiple states in Australia as given me a lot of experiences that I can write about, in a fictional sense, for my stories - situations and personalities that I know many other teen writers wouldn't have had one on one experiences with. I think that's the biggest struggle when it comes to writing so young - I mean, how can you write about a realistic heart-break if you've never had your heart broken? That's why I started this community - because separately, no matter what age we are, we don't have much experience that can translate onto the page. But as a collective? We have a pool of information and thousands of like-minded people ready to support each other in our own writing journey.


Through this blog, I want not only guide my fellow writers through how to write an amazing book and navigate the world of publishing but also grain experience. So when the time comes, you will know exactly what to do and how to do it right.


Thanks for much for reading everyone, and I hope with all my heart you have a lovely day!


Sincerely, Scarlett H.

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