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I believe that each and every writer on this earth has potential - not only to write a book, but to write a book that will get you somewhere in life. With the lack of teen writer resources, I wanted to start this blog to really push my fellow newbies in the right direction. But while this blog is a resource, at its heart, it's a community.  Don't be afraid to reach out to me through my socials or email - I love hearing from readers! Leave your own tips and tricks under posts - share your knowledge with others. Because while the commonly heard advice 'write what you know' is all well and good, individual young writers don't really know that much. Taxes? Never done them. Heart-break? Never had one. But there is a teen out there that has. As a collective, we have an unlimited pool of experiences and knowledge that can improve our writing skills. So go out there, and share :)

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